About Social Dialogue in the Sugar Sector
The European social dialogue in the sugar industry has been based on exchange of views and concerted action on all subjects of common interest. Since 1998 the European social partners have signed about 12 joint positions on social and economic matters. In February 2003 they took a further step forward by launching a Code of Conduct on Corporate Social Responsibility, which came into force on 1st January 2004.
In May 2004, a brochure on the “Corporate Social Responsibility and social dialogue in the European Sugar Industry, prefaced by Odile QUINTIN, Director-General of Directorate for Employment and Social Affairs at the European Commission, was published. That report, updated in 2019 is available here.

The Social Partners
A general introduction should be added above the descriptions of CEFS and EFFAT: Since 1969, CEFS and EFFAT (the European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism sectors) have engaged in a comprehensive social dialogue. In 1999, the European Commission officially recognised the social dialogue with the creation of the ‘Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee in the sugar industry.’
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