This is the 11th annual implementation report of the CSR Code of Conduct signed in 2003 by the European Federation of Trade Unions
in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism sectors (EFFAT) and the European Association of Sugar Producers (CEFS).

The EU Sugar Industry CSR Report is adopted through an extensive consultation process whose purpose is not only to report but also to explore issues of common interest, to disseminate information on best practices while creating a spirit of collaboration and contributing to the capacity building of social partners in the face of current and emerging challenges for the sector.

Sugar companies generally use the knowledge drawn from their regular contacts with workers representatives to identify the challenges and best practices that are to be reported under the EU Code of conduct. The collected information is then contrasted with the ones collected by EFFAT and, in the event that inconsistencies would appear, the issue can be discussed at the level of CEFS and EFFAT Secretariats with the involvement, if needed, of the social partners of the company (ies) concerned.

Read the full report here.